A New Era of
Generative AI Assistants
for Credit Unions and Community Banks
Has Arrived.

The World’s Only AI-Powered Unified Conversation Platform is empowering your teams and delighting your members and customers with intuitive ChatGPT-like self-service options, co-pilots, and conversation intelligence to create the ultimate member and customer experience.

Trusted and loved by
600+ CFIs

AI Power for all Stakeholders

For Members & Customers

Enhanced Experience


Elevated Performance


Empowered Decisions

AI for Your Member/Customers
Meet Them Where They Are, 24x7

Revolutionize Customer Support

Voice & Chat Support

Get a versatile agent for both voice and chat channels that overcomes traditional support limitations, delivering frictionless experiences across channels chosen by members and customers.

Seamless Integration

Connect where your members are – integrated with phone systems for voice support and digital channels like websites, online banking, and mobile applications for chat support.

CFI-Specific AI Technology

Powered by large language models tailored for Credit Unions and Community Banks, your AI agents efficiently handle routine interactions for both members and customers, reserving complex and sensitive matters for live agents. This system utilizes knowledge sources facing members and customers to enhance responsiveness.

Frictionless Engagement

Ensure smooth interactions on your website and mobile apps – integrate with your core systems to enable seamless data flow and customer experiences.

Beyond Basic Chatbots

Transition from rule-based FAQ systems to advanced, ChatGPT-like AI models which employ generative AI for dynamic, human-like responses, drawing from your knowledge base.

Conversational Accuracy with RAG

Get precise, conversational answers anchored in your company’s content, improving the relevance and quality of interactions with retrieval-augmented generation.

24×7 Multilingual Support

Offer consistent, round-the-clock support in multiple languages – reduce contact center traffic significantly, demonstrating up to an 80% efficiency gain.

Handling Complex Interactions

Our powerful AI can navigate through ambiguous requests, topic shifts, misspellings, and other communication hurdles, knowing when to respond confidently and when to escalate to a human agent for optimal resolution.

AI for your Employees
Elevate Your Team

Transform Every Employee into an Expert with Employee Co-Pilot

Enhanced Agent Efficiency

Minimize time spent on information searches, reducing response times and elevating both member and agent satisfaction.

Intelligent Knowledge Extraction

Seamlessly integrate with your knowledge base, swiftly pulling insights from extensive documents and chat logs in a conversational manner.

Advanced Language Understanding

Utilize CFI-specific natural language understanding (NLU) and processing (NLP) to accurately identify intent, entities, and sentiment in real-time conversations.

Significantly Faster Responses

Boost response efficiency by up to 10X, enabling quicker resolutions and enhanced member and customer interactions.

Unified Conversational Platform

Offer a comprehensive communication solution encompassing chat, text, video, voice, and co-browsing, all within a single conversation framework.

Contextual Information Delivery

Provide agents with relevant information and proactive suggestions like pre-drafted responses, upsell tips, and follow-up steps within context.

AI for Operational Intelligence
Turn Member Conversations into Actionable Insights

Discover service improvement opportunities, compliance risk, performance improvements, and sales opportunities.

Complete Call Summaries

Receive interaction summaries across all communication channels, ensuring no detail is missed.

Enhancing Experience

Deliver deep insights into member and customer experiences, helping to identify areas for improvement and enhance satisfaction.

Executive Dashboard

 Offer an executive dashboard for operational foresight, highlighting trends and insights across all channels for strategic decision-making.

Agent Performance Monitoring

Provide comprehensive analysis of agent interactions, supporting performance evaluation and development.

Real-Time Alerts and Escalation

Enable live alerts for immediate action, and establish efficient escalation processes to address urgent issues promptly.

What our clients have to say
"Eltropy recognizes our need as an organization to embrace these technologies from the perspective of crawling, walking and eventually running. "
Picture of Ruth Fennell

Ruth Fennell

AVP, Account Services

"Our journey towards digital transformation led us to Eltropy's AI chat solutions, and we're starting to see remarkable results. They continue to evolve, and that's why we consider them a long-term partner, including for AI.”
Picture of Brad Shafton

Brad Shafton

Senior Vice President, IT and Digital

Let's Talk